Shiela R. Castillo

Shiela R. Castillo is a Futures Learning Advisor at the Center for Engaged Foresight since 2018. She has facilitated futures workshops for UNICEF Philippines, UN Cambodia, and the East-West Center Hawaii. She is also one of the co-founders of the Philippine Futures Thinking Society (PhilFutures).  Ms. Castillo participated in a 21-day intensive course Urban Action School (2018) organized by ActionAid India, and also attended Transforming Philippine Cities: An Integrative Foresight Course for Women City Leaders (2015) and Resilient Cities, Brighter Futures: A Forum-Workshop on Anticipatory Thinking & Strategic Foresight for Sustainable Cities (2014), both organized by UNESCO. She took e-learning courses on The Future of Work and Humanitarian Foresight. She became a member of the Association of Professional Futurists this year and has been a Fellow of the Circle for Engaged Foresight since 2012.