Before the life of a yoga nun overtook her, Didi Ananda Uttama immersed herself as a lay midwife in the fledgling homebirth movement of the 1970’s in the US. Since then, her work of the last four decades has drawn heavily on those experiences and became fully embedded in her current project with refugee/migrant mothers and infants in Greece. She and her dedicated team of multicultural women believe fully that all mothers have the right and the capacity to maintain or regain their health, well-being, dignity and self-determination and that all infants deserve the best possible start in life. Towards this end, AMURTEL Greece runs an all-women’s center offering antenatal/postnatal midwifery care, breastfeeding and infant nutrition support, programs for reproductive health literacy and gender based violence awareness, peer-to-peer training and outreach to refugee camps and urban settings.